Monsanto Rubbish Research Paper

Words: 1617
Pages: 7

Victoria Micola
Professor Houck
English 111 D8B
31 October 2016
Monsanto and all Their Rubbish
Monsanto was told to be the saving grace that every farmer always dreamed about. Providing an alternative way to keep pesticides off their crops and making their lives easier. Little did the farmers know that Monsanto was going to change their lives forever. Monsanto has caused many issues in famers production of crops and the framers income, but we know that is not what Monsanto said what was going to happen. It was supposed to get more production from every acre but it has more done more damage than it has done good. Monsanto was founded in 1901 and they state that they “work with farmer around the world to make agriculture more productive and
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In India, the rate of farmer suicides has drastically increased, crushing the small farming world. Small local famers were initially attracted to the idea that Monsanto pitched, as did every other farmer. Little did they know they were going to have to continue paying these outrageous prices because, not only did they have to purchase the seeds but they had to purchase the weed killer because and extra pesticides because the seed did not work as well as hey had initially thought. Monsanto got the farmers in a bunch because only their weed killer and pesticides work on their seed but most local farmers could not pay that price so they took out a “loan” but never could catch up with their payments so Monsanto confiscated their land. They fail to see the issue that, “More than 250,000 farmers have committed suicide in India after Monsanto's Bt cotton seeds largely failed. Many farmers decided to drink Monsanto pesticide, ending their lives:' Bt stands for Bacillus thuringiensis, a naturally occurring bacterium in soil that has insecticide properties. Over a decade ago, Monsanto (in partnership with Indian seed companies) produced genetically engineered cotton seeds with the Bt protein, which helps the crop ward off insects, particularly the bollworm. Since then, there have been widespread charges that the seed technology has failed, resulting in lower crop