Moon Apollo 11 Research Paper

Words: 582
Pages: 3

Even 45 Years Ago, precisely July 20, 1969, 3 man named Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins in the moon landing of Apollo 11. Although using only Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin who set foot on the moon, Michael Collins was have an important role when the mission is a command-module pilot who keeps orbit the moon for 21 hours for Armstrong and Aldrin were on the lunar surface.
Although successful landing smoothly and stored documentation clearly and return of astronauts are not necessarily able to directly trusted by all people in the world. Many have implied whether America can really send her to the moon apollo plane? Whether astronauts such as Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin actually landed on the moon? Or is it just a
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Clever-clever they cheat, would be found for many other scientists who will unmask this fraud. Suppose the astronaut can be purchased for this massive fraud, of course book publishers who will open these public deception ulcers can also purchase them. 2. The absence of stars in the Moon

Moon's surface reflects sunlight and it makes it difficult to see the stars. The astronauts use fast exposure settings so that the background is taken very limited. "They took pictures at 1/150 or 1/250 per second"

3. There is no trace of the Lunar Module landing below

NASA answered: The machine is turned off before it reached the surface of the moon, so the engine does not blow dust yesterday and also to smooth landings, because gravity is different from the last few days on earth

4. The presence of the white light reflections like in the studio

The strange light coming from the camera lens is exposed to light, so it reflects that way, back to the point the many shadows are not parallel, the light rays can be from anywhere, even from the reflection of the Lunar Module

5. There is no real evidence that can be seen directly