Mosaic Down Syndrome Research Paper

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Pages: 7

The human race is over 3.5 million years old. All these years, they have thrived. The population started at 1, and it’s now at 7.5 billion. Humans have evolved and changed over these past 3.5 million years to get to what they are today. They changed like dogs, having different skin color, height, and weight. Humans also changed into different forms of humans. They can’t control the kind of humans they turn into though. The change starts all the way in their genes. It starts with the chromosomes their parents give them. Some of the humans are born with diseases or disability. One of those disabilities is down syndrome. This a common disability. People with down’s syndrome are still humans, like the rest of them, but take longer to develop.
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In Mosaic down syndrome, some of the cells are perfectly fine, and others have the disorder. Some of the cells get down syndrome because the some of the genes inside the egg and sperm cell overexpress, or create to many of the same chromosomes. Which is like what is created in Trisomy 21, but only in about half the cells.
The last form of down syndrome is Translocation. 4% of down syndrome is translocation. It is where there are three 21st chromosomes, and one less of another set of chromosomes. Because of this, one of them has to be rearranged to a different pair because there is only one in a pair of the normal 23 pairs (Leshin). Translocation doesn’t always mean your child has Down Syndrome, but it severely increases the risk (Costa).
There are 46 chromosomes in all, but they are in pairs. There are sets chromosomes in every single cell. Inside these cells, are the chromosomes. In the chromosomes, there are genes, and that is believed where the down syndrome is caused. (Leshin). The 21st chromosome changes the way the brain and body develops . To see if a pre-born child has down’s syndrome, the doctor checks the physical characteristics an ultrasound. For after birth, they run blood tests. There is a higher risk of a child having down’s syndrome when one of the parents have rearranged chromosomes, or if the parents are older. This Genetic disorder causes many health issues (“Down’s Syndrome”). The Triplication
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Some of the features are a flattened face, small head, short neck, massive tongue, upward slanting eyes, small ears, poor muscle tone, small hands and feet, short, hyperflexible, and white dots in the irises (“Down Syndrome Symptoms”) .
Babies with down’s take longer to reach their childhood milestones. When down syndrome was first discovered, scientists thought that they would never reach the childhood milestones. Their average age for sitting is 11 months, instead of the usual 5. The average crawling age is 17 months instead of the usual 8. The average walking age is 26 months instead of the usual 11.
Kids with down syndrome can have speech delay, so they need a therapist (Costa). Down’s syndrome kids also could also be born with obesity (“Down Syndrome Complications”). People with down’s also could have multiple diseases. It could be heart defects, hearing loss, sleep disorders, vision issues, blood problems, dental complications, infections, intestine problems, neck and spine problems, and thyroid issues (“Down Syndrome”). The sight and hearing losses tend to be mistaken of stubbornness and