Mount Pleasant High School Research Paper

Words: 447
Pages: 2

Do you wish to spend a day only focusing on four subjects instead of eight? Mount Pleasant High School has removed block days from the schedule. The normal schedule was an 8 day period on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Then block days would be on Wednesday and Thursday. On those block days there would be only 4 periods. Blocks days were two days a week where the students went to only four of their classes and then switched to the other for the next day. Mount Pleasant High School needs block days because they were helpful to students’ learning. Top rated schools in Iowa have block schedules. John F. Kennedy high school is one of the top rated schools in Iowa. They have a 73% ap passing rate, while Mount Pleasant’s passing rate is 47%. These …show more content…
This extended time allows for more in depth teaching. The only con of block days are if a student misses a block day that student is actually missing two, or sometimes even more days. Although there is that problem all the pros outweigh the con. Many students enjoy this time so the can learn more than in a normal 45 minute period.
Having a block schedule allows you to focus on only a few classes, but then have all of your classes later on in the week. You won't have to worry about any other classes. You can also get caught up in those classes if you have missed anything. If there is extra time, which there usually is, you can work on homework. The NEA Reviews of the Research on Best Practices in Education says,“Students have more time for reflection and less information to process over the course of a school day.”. Block days provide students with more education and less stress. A solution is the we only have two block days a week allowing the students who do not like it to have normal 8 period days. Many studies have been performed on blocks day to see if they actually help students. The usual outcome of these studies are that block days do help the student’s education. We need to come together and show that blocks days are an educational