The only “possible” just cause that Mr. Chaddock violated would be willful neglect of duty. Although Mr. Chaddock may not have acted in a manner in which we would expect a prudent and reasonable person to act, upon close examination of the events, he did make multiple attempts to separate Robert from the firearm. When Robert refused to relinquish the firearm, Mr. Chaddock used his knowledge of the student and the student’s temperament and decided that Robert would be less of a threat if the situation was left alone and he was engaged in class. Based on these facts, it can be said that although Mr. Chaddock’s actions were negligent, there was not a willful intent on his part to neglect his duty to protect the students. Although Mr. Chaddock is guilty of having poor judgment, he should not be dismissed from his position. There should be a suspension served, and the board should use this opportunity to create an explicit policy regarding situations with firearms. Changes in Future