Legislation sets out laws that must be followed; these laws are in place to help protect workers and the vulnerable people being supported. It is the responsibility of both the employees and the company to be fully aware of all legislations. Legislation such as the disability discrimination Act 1995 and the Humans Rights Act 1998, health and safety at work Act 1974. The company’s policies and procedures, training given to staff, also following care plans also encourage positive behaviour all contribute to ensure the best support is provided to individuals.
Restrictive interventions are ways of preventing an individual from carrying out a task. This task could be challenging behaviour, these intervention techniques are only used by qualified/ trained staff. Staff must only use techniques learned in training and only when appropriate to do so. Contact should only be with robust areas of the body and only with clear justification.
Restrictive interventions are part of the care plan and are planned intervention based on the risk assessment and care plan.
Restrictive interventions must only be used if the individual is at risk of injuring themselves, others around them causing damage to property and or illegal behaviour. If restrictive intervention has had to be used your manager and everyone else involved with the care of the person. Incident reports must be filled in. The report must provide all the detailed information such as all the people involved, time, date, witnesses and location. All the details must be properly filed as well in daily reports so it can be referred to at any time.
The least possible restrictive intervention should always be used when dealing with challenging behaviour as the intervention may increase the challenging behaviour itself and not help resolve the situation. The least possible restrictive intervention will reduce the risk of harm to everyone involved and also prevent the restrictive being used as a form of abuse.
Safe guards must be in place before any restrictive physical interventions are used, so that both staff members and the individual during the restrictive physical intervention are safe policies and procedures must be followed and any intervention must only be carried out by trained staff members.
Understand the context and use of proactive and reactive strategies
Proactive strategies are the strategies that are already in place to deal with behaviour management is about sharing what strategies are with the service user to make sure they know what’s expected of them. Reactive strategies are how you deal with an incidence of inappropriate behaviour at the time it occurs, no matter how good proactive strategies are sometimes the use of the importance of identifying patterns of behaviour or triggers to challenging behaviour identifying triggers and how to minimise triggers, such as ensuring appropriate structure/ planning of environment, resources and activities meet the individual needs and provide a sense of security, calm and safety. Importance of consistency, familiarity and routine in minimising risk of triggers selling clear boundaries and communicating them in a way that is clearly understandable, person centred approved individual e.g use of individual behaviour management plans where the individual is involved in decisions and their views and feelings are listened to reinforcing behavioural expectations, giving praise and positive attention, effective communication, building trusting relationships, and allowing the individual to have privacy and space. Impact on individual’s wellbeing of using reactive rather than proactive strategies e.g proactive strategies more likely than reactive strategies to enhance the individual sense of independence self-esteem and self-efficacy because they are aimed at preventing rather than managing inacceptable behaviour.
Be able to Promote positive behaviour
Factors associated with changeling behaviours