Strengths Weaknesses
UK’s Market Leader
Multi channel distribution
Financial support
Market Presence
No. of employees
Focused future
Geographical concentration
dependent on Technology Opportunities Threats
Retail environment in the UK
Bank rate
Government imitative
Rising Labor cost
Economic crunch
Intense competition
Fuel price
Strong performance:Argos sales grew 8% to £ 4.2 billion compare to the last fiscal year. The Group’sperformance was enhanced to its having two complimentary retail brands, Argosand Homebase. They operate within the same product mix, thereby reaching abroader range of customers and leveraging at a greater combined scale. Theyhave also transferred new retail innovation and practices to give strength to theircustomer propositions, they also maintained and increased there market share in number of specific categories and their special areas of growth for Argos wasconsumer electronics and for Homebase was fitted kitchens, the important salesdriver for a broader customer base was providing instillation services byHomebase, the Argos value range and premium branded ranges including a wideselection of merchandise delivered recorded profits for Argos by their continuedoffer of highly competitive prices. Over 15 millions customers and increase of 40%used the check and reserve to order goods for the in store collection, this washelped by the internet increasing the gross margin by 50 basis points for the year.The operating cost and efficiency was the key to success this year. Despite homeenhancement market fall this year Homebase subsidiary performed well, its grossmargin increased by approximately 250 basis points.Multi channel:Argos the leader in multi channel retailing is responding to future, consumer andretail trends as they are changing how thy order and buy goods. The Argos offersin-store to shopping at home using catalogues and the internet, while looking fornew opportunities for innovative enhance retail experience, the fully integrated andwell nurtured of Argos supported highly developed support chain systems providedifferentiation and is a model for future retail business. That is buying in store,online or over the phone, for collection in store or home delivery provide a fast andefficient experience. For 10thousand product lines are available to be reservedfrom home for collection from the customer store of choice using a check andreserve option. By combining the efficiency of preordering and guarantee ofimmediate delivery facilitates consumers in a hurry. The quick pay kiosks areconvenient in helping to speed up the shopping process by passing the till. Thesetransactions account for around 17% of Argos store sales. The same model hasbeen use to competitive advantage in Homebase.Strong brand image:Around 2/3 rd of the UK population have and Argos catalogue at home giving theman idea of what it offers, thereby, serving 130 million customers every year on anaverage. Market Leadership:Ten years back and now Argos was the first retailer to offer online shoppingconvenience to its customers,