Mr. Van Daan In Elie Wiesel's Play '

Words: 337
Pages: 2

I believe that despite stealing food, Mr. Van Daan cannot be entirely blamed for his actions. Mr. Van Daan (in the play) is often characterized as sullen, irritated, or bitter. He complains that Peter’s cat Mouschi is eating too much food, and often tries to convince those he is hiding with to get rid of him, despite knowing that he is truly the one stealing food. Knowing even this small amount of information, you may begin to dislike this character, and I understand that, but I must remind you, he was an actual person. Mr. Van Daan is alive, just as you are now. The Holocaust was an actual event, and he did have to go into hiding, just as he did in the play. While it is perfectly fine, even normal, to dislike certain people, you must think