National Stroke Foundation, 2005,} Apnea is the Greek word for without breath. Sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing for at least 10 seconds while you are sleeping, many times throughout the night. Sleep apnea however does not cause many problems with you breathing throughout the day. The risk factors for sleep apnea are age usually between 40 and 60 is the highest risk. Ethnicity with African-American, Pacific Islanders and Hispanic being the highest risk. Smoking drinking and some medical conditions such as diabetes also put you at a higher risk {Victor LD, Am Fam Physician, 1999, Nov 15;60(8):2279-86.}. The consequences of sleep apnea vary from increased risk of heart conditions, vehicle accidents, work related accidents and depression. {U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Consumer Updates, 2013}. The treatments for sleep apnea come in a huge variety depending on what the patient needs. With the most common being an assortment of behavioral measures such as losing weight, a reduction in alcohol intake and to stop taking medications that make you drowsy. The second most common is they C pap machine which stands for (continuous positive airway pressure) machine. This machine has a mask that covers the patients nose and mouth which keeps the airway open and provides more oxygen to the patient while sleeping. The final measure would be a dental device or surgery to prevent the obstruction of the air way there are currently no medications for obstructive sleep apnea. {U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Consumer Updates, 2013,}. Insomnia is often confused with sleep apnea but they are two completely different diagnosis. It is one of the most common medical complaints. About 35% of the population reported having insomnia within the last year. Increasing prevalence with increasing age. It’s more common in females, unemployed, divorced, widowed, separated, lower socioeconomic status, and only 30% of patients with insomnia report the problem to their physician {UpToDate, Overview of Insomnia, 2013,}. Insomnia has two different durations. Short term which can last 2-3 days and could be a result of jet lag, work shift changes, acute illness or a major life event. Or long term which is considered 30 days or more which is normally a result of a major illnesses or medication. The diagnosis of Insomnia is you must have at least on of the following. Difficulty initiating sleep, staying asleep, or waking up to early. For it to be considered Insomnia you must also have daytime impairment from the no sleep {Schutte-Rodin S, J Clin Sleep Med, 2008 Oct 15; 4(5):487-504.}. Classification of daytime impairment. This would be considered fatigue or lethargy, problems paying attention, irritability, headaches, and many more. How much sleep is enough sleep? This depends on age starting with children who should get at least 10 hours starting at preschool,