The audience was replying to everything the actors would say as if they thought it was questions being asked. For example, when Hamlet asks, ''To be, or not to be,'' (339;31) the crowd would scream their opinions.
Hamlet's mother looked like a musician rather than a royalty because her chin was attached to a tiara on her head by a chain, ''Her chin being attached to her diadem by a broad band of that metal'' (340;31). The crowd starts to laugh at Ophelia when she begins to do herself in and when Mr. Wopsle has to touch a skeleton (part of script), he is completely uninterested. …show more content…
Wopsle. As Pip and Herbet try to give him a standing ovation, they slowly sit back down to try and stop laughing. When the men attempt to sneak out, a Jewish man corners them before they leave and escorts Pip and Herbert to Mr. Wopsle's room after the