Use this document to complete your project assignment for Module 3. Save the entire document when you are ready to submit it to the Dropbox. Try to do a little at a time, so that you won’t be overwhelmed by trying to do this all in one sitting. There are 2 Student Planner Activities, 2 Student Reflections, and 3 Personal Portfolio Activities.
o Module 3 – This Module’s Planner assignment is specific to test-taking anxiety. Indicate two times when you employed stress-reducing strategies during the Module. Be sure to provide details.
|Module 3 |Mon. |Tues. |Wed. |Thurs. |Fri. |Sat. |Sun. |
|Due Dates for Upcoming | | | | | |Module 3 or be | |
|items this Module (be | | | | | |drop out of | |
|specific) | | | | | |school | |
Reflection Paragraph - Write a one-paragraph reflection on how employing stress-reducing strategies might help you perform better in school and on the job.
I think if I try doing what I was doing in those two days. It will keep my mind off things that I was stressing on. And it will help me on what I really need get done on the job or school. Like project for school and have a positive attitude around people and help me perform well. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
o Module 3 - This Module’s Planner assignment asks you to focus on class periods during the Module when you found you “stopped listening” or “tuned out.” You should describe what you were experiencing at those moments.
|Module 3 |Mon. |Tues. |Wed. |Thurs. |Fri. |Sat. |Sun. |
|Due Dates for Upcoming | | | | | | | |
|items this Module (be | | | | | | | |
|specific) | | | | | | | |
Reflection Paragraph - Write a one-paragraph reflection on how distractions in and out of the classroom might cause your difficulty concentrating and interfere with effective listening. What techniques might you use to deal with distractions and become a stronger
_I don’t like distractions because I can’t learn when there two thing going on the same time. People should not talk when the teacher is talking . I try to tune them out. I think I need record the teacher is talking so I could play back in my room or the bathroom where there no noise.