Ms. Dobyns Case

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Pages: 5

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Ms. Dobyns is a 66-year old Caucasian female currently receiving treatment at the Paradise Valley Hospital Inpatient Psychiatric Services program. Ms. Dobyns was referred for psychological testing to assess for her current neurobehavioral baseline to understand level of cognitive functioning. Ms. Dobyns was admitted to the hospital by ambulance due to a reported fall at her independent living, as well as presented with confusion, disorganization, delay in thoughts and speech, and was unable to verbalize a plan for self-care. She reports to this writer that she does not know why she is in this facility and is struggling with confusion. Ms. Dobyns is currently diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia, Chronic. Ms. Dobyns’ current medications include Risperdal, …show more content…
Dobyns was administered the Mini Mental Status Exam. This test provides a brief overview of her current level of cognitive functioning. Her total score obtained was 16/30. Ms. Dobyns was not oriented to the season, date, country, state, and city. She was capable completing language tasks such as reading and following commands. She was only able to recall one of the three objects she has previously repeated in an earlier task. Next, Ms. Dobyns as asked to draw the face of a clock and put the numbers in the correct position. She was asked to draw in the hands at ten minutes after eleven. Ms. Dobyns drew a small closed circle and only included numbers 1-11. She was unable to complete the task of placing the hands and stated, “I don’t know how to do this” after drawing one hand in the incorrect position pointing to the middle of 9 and 10. The numbers 1-6 were fairly spaced out and numbers 7-11 were somewhat packed together. These discrepancies in the clock may indicate spatial and/or planning deficits. This discrepancy in the clock may indicate a lesion in her right parietal hemisphere, and Visual-spatial deficits are a common and early sign of