Multicultural Youth Work

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Pages: 5

This piece reviews the available literature in relation to multicultural youth, and the application to youth work. It is important to consider this information to assist in achieving best practice when working with youths. This is important as a practitioner as we need to be aware of other practice methods. The literature includes peer-reviewed pieces contributing varied ideas, and the YACVic code of ethics which is the professional framework for youth work practice in Victoria. The piece starts with a explanation of the issue and relevant background. The next section I discuss the aims and outcomes of intervention with this population. Finally I will provide an overview of some authors perspectives on best practice in the field of
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Utley et al. (2002 ) states that to plan effective activities and education programs, cultural backgrounds and ethnicity are just as important factors to consider as well as intellectual, physical or emotional capabilities of the young people involved. Also in the educational field, Hughes, Newkirk & Stenhjem. (2010) believe that youth workers and professionals would be at an advantage when dealing with multicultural youth if they trained in the principle of unity through diversity and have conceptional awareness of 'white privilege' helping to be aware of power imbalance in society and rights of the individual. To understand the dynamics of society and what your rights and entitlements are can give multicultural youth greater ability to navigate problems and …show more content…
& Suurpää, L., 2014, 'New Challenges for Nordic Welfare Services: Emerging Cultural Diversity in Finnish Youth Work', Nordic Journal of Migration Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 30-39

Gilton, D. L., 2012, 'The future of Multicultural Youth Literature”, Knowledge Quest: Futurecasting, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 44-47

Hughes, C., Newkirk, R. & Stenhjem, P. H., 2010, 'Addressing the Challenge of Disenfranchisement of Youth: Poverty and Racism in Schools', Reclaiming Children and Youth, Vol., 19, No. 1, pp. 22-26

State Government of Victoria, 2012, 'Engage Evolve Create: Youth Statement', State Government of Victoria, Melbourne Australia

Utley, C. A., Kozleski, E., Smith, A. & Draper, I. L., (2002), Journal of Positive Behaviour Interventions, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 196-207

Youth Affairs Council of Victoria, 2008, 'Code of Practice – A First Step for the Victorian
Youth Sector', Youth Affairs Council of Victoria, Melbourne