266). There are three levels of prevention utilized as an intervention for prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases. The primary aims at prevention at things such as health promotion through nutrition education, counseling and the promotion of physical activity. Environmental protection is done through basic sanitation and food safety, home and workplace safety plans, and air quality control. Specific protection against disease or injury by immunizations, proper use of seat belts and infants' car seats, taking folic acid supplementation to prevent neural tube defects, and consuming fluoride of water to prevent dental …show more content…
Tertiary prevention consist of interventions that focus on disability limitation, rehabilitation from disease, injury, or disability (Stanhope, Marcia, & Lancaster, 2012, p. 268). Examples of tertiary prevention includes: occupational therapy, physical therapy, medical treatments and rehabilitation.
The nurse can incorporate the concepts of level of prevention of communicable and non- communicable disease into health promotion of clients in community settings by participation in health fair, performing health screening such as vision and hearing screening and blood pressure checks. The nurse can also administer vaccinations such as flu, pneumococcal, and hepatitis B, etc.
There should be several things the nurse should consider before approaching the client at risk in these health promotion activities. The nurse should consider the characteristics of the health problem identified in the population, the screening test available for identified health problems, and the type of population being addressed (Stanhope, Marcia, & Lancaster, 2012, p. 269). After identifying the factors and resources available for the population, the nurse can incorporate her own experience to further assist with health promotion.