Music Therapy Affecting Adolescent's Depression

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Pages: 5

In addition, music therapy combined with art therapy lowers the depression levels of both adolescents and adults by expressing their feelings and emotions. In a study conducted by Im and Lee, they found out that music therapy, as a form of art therapy provides a way to stimulate the central nervous system by permitting the patients to move both hands and encourage ego resulting to an easier flow of expression of repressed emotions. Music allows introspection which is an essential part of coping with depression by reducing the resistance of the patient to disclose their feelings. The sense of autonomy and responsibility is given to the patients as music therapy imparts respect to the imagination and personality of the patients (Im and Lee 456). Music provides a medium for the comfortable and socially acceptable expression of the patient's’ latent emotions. Along with this, an effective interference in …show more content…
Contrary to the concept that states that antidepressants are ineffective and cannot prevent relapse, there are some reports that prove medications actually work. For instance, Erin Brodwin wrote an article about her depression on Business Insider entailed that antidepressant medication is indeed useful and effective. She stated that “antidepressants were a tool, they enabled me to start feeling OK, to start reaching out to others for help, and to start doing things that I enjoyed doing and that made me feel good. They lifted a heavy blanket of depression that had previously made all of these things sound like impossible chores” (Brodwin). The common misconceptions about antidepressants may have been rooted from its improper use and misinformation. It is then important to know that antidepressants are for moderate to severe cases of chronic depression, and probably not for mild ones and that taking medication for longer periods can prevent relapse of depression (PubMed