Safety is an extremely broad term, but on the other hand it is quite easy to answer it in simple words. Safety is the state of stability when nothing bad or dangerous threats one’s life and happiness. For example, there are many factors which can deprive one from safety, like physical, political, social, moral, financial, ecological, natural, psychological factors. It is obvious that these factors are very definite and it is possible to define more general categories of them. So, safety can be damaged by anthropological and natural factors.
Natural factors include all the natural phenomena which can affect human life, health and property badly. Evidently, if people are protected from the effect of bad weather, climate and natural disasters, they are considered to be in safety. The, all the factors which have appeared because of the human activity and simply human existence and social relations are called the anthropological ones and are often more dangerous for human safety. The general understanding of safety is connected with the term of security
We can define social mobility as any movement of a social object or individual, or anything having sociological status or position to a new position or status. In the development of the idea we may suppose that social mobility has actually two dimensions: it can be horizontal or it can be vertical.
Migration of some individuals from one country to another, from one confession to another, actually, from social position to another can be regarded as examples of horizontal social mobility. The same examples are