Should college tuition be free?
The cost of college tuition can be the deciding factor in regards to what your future will be. Almost every college in America has a tuition. A mass amount, unaffordable and unimaginable. The idea of free college tuition has been wanted by many and denied by dozens.
Free college tuition could create equality by giving everyone a chance to go to college and get a education. It would raise college acceptance rates all across the united states. Equality in education would create a positive impact on an everyday society.
In the United states today there are 4,599 Degreegranting institutions,1,729 2year colleges, 2,870 4year colleges and 2,422 Less than 2year colleges. National center for education statistics. A college education is a higher, postsecondary, tertiary or third level education is the stage of learning that occurs at universities, academies, colleges, seminaries, and institutes of technology. According to the College Board, the average cost of tuition and fees for the 2013–2014 school year was $30,094 at private colleges, $8,893 for state residents at public colleges, and $22,203 for outofstate residents attending public universities. Out of the 100% of students that get accepted to college, 28% of the students can’t afford to attend due to tuition cost. In the United states today there are 4,599 Degreegranting institutions,1,729 2year colleges, 2,870 4year colleges and 2,422 Less than 2year colleges , and this brings me to my
1st premise, that free college education would bring equality by giving everyone a chance to go
to college and get a education.
Free college education would bring equality by giving everyone a chance to go to college and get a education. Millions of students get accepted to different colleges every year all across the United States. out of the 100% of students who get accepted 28% didnt go to there college of choice that they were accepted into because of cost. In 2011 the minority of students that got accepted (69% of the 100%) to Yale university were caucasian and the families income was above 100,000 dollars a year. There shouldn't be an assumption that you need to have money in order to attend college. Obama said himself, "No challenge is more urgent. No debate is more important...than restoring an economy where everyone gets a fair shot...Because that's not the reality we live with. In our reality, the gap between the richest one percent and the rest of us more than trippled over the last three decades. Education is priority, free education is a fresh start for all”.Not only qould free tuitition bring equality but also It would raise college acceptance rates all across the united states.
Free college education would raise college acceptance rates all across the united states