After the battle, Odysseus and his team escape under the flock of sheep, by grasping their stomachs. All in all, my experience and the one in the Odyssey are not very similar at a first glance; however, digging deeper there are many similarities. We were both in death defying situations, I could have been suffocated and Odysseus could have been eaten by a hideous monster. Although one seems more terrifying than the other, Odysseus’ experience is close enough to the fear caused by my traumatic event. Moreover, we also had narrow escapes at the last minute, simply because of a small space. This is shown in the Odyssey when Odysseus used the cyclops’ weakness, his intelligence against him; moreover in my situation I found the slide’s weakness a small space between the cramped pool and a bright yellow slide. Finally I’ve learned that, at times things may seem like you’re trapped and that you are losing a hard battle, keep persevering because there is still a small space of safety to break