“I’m only 13, why do we have to leave where I have friends and grew up?” I complained.
“Sweetie, this will be best for our entire family. Plus, you will be able to make new friends!” My mother said as she was packing up our luxury kitchen.
“New friends? How is this the best for our family?” I asked.
“Veronica! You need to be happy for your sister! She has worked very hard to be accepted into this college.” My mother explained.
“Whatever.” I just frowned …show more content…
We are on a road that cars pass us every 25 miles. Are we even in the United States?
“Where are we? It looks like we may already be in Louisiana.” I laugh.
“Veronica, stop. You know that you have complained this entire trip.” My mother yells.
My mom pulls on the side of the road, and my sister and I look at each other very confused.
“Veronica Noel Chapman, step out of the car right now! Maddie you stay in here.” My mother commands.
“Yes?” I ask with a smirk.
“Veronica do not get an attitude with me! You should be happy for your sister!” My mother states. “She has worked for months on her application to get into ULM. She is excited to start a new life, but she’s not enjoying it as much because you have been complaining the entire time!”
“Well, how come this whole moving trip is about Maddie! No one has even asked me how I feel about moving across the country! “ I cry.
“Veronica. You know that we love you. Now, why would you think that we are moving just for Maddie?” My mom …show more content…
My mom sighs. “I didn’t want to tell you this until we got to Monroe. I….” My mom pauses. “I lost my job in Minneapolis. And since Maddie was going to college 1,500 miles away, I thought it would be easier if we could all start a new life there. Not just Maddie.”
“Mom! Why didn’t you tell me? How did you lose your job? Does Maddie know? How will you be able to afford for Maddie’s education?” I say frantically.
“Calm down V!” My mom calls me V for short. “Everything is going to be okay. When we sold the townhouse we made enough to keep up with rent for a few months while I look for a job. Now let’s get back on the road so that we can find something to eat.”
We get back in the car, my mom almost crying and I’m still in shock. How could she lose her job? She was the best Diane’s Designs manager ever! But, my big question, does Maddie know? She would have never agreed to move all the way to Louisiana if she knew that mom lost her job.
Maddie asks my mom what’s wrong but my mom says she got dirt in her eyes from the wind. Now I know that Maddie doesn’t know about mom losing her job. Uh