My Hero's Journey: A Narrative Fiction

Words: 2185
Pages: 9

It’s so cold… it’s so very cold here…I can’t feel anything at all…My eyes… it’s like their frozen shut or maybe frozen by fear, hoping to never learn of my location. Bravely I shattered the icy fear taking a leap of faith in hope of knowing where I am. I open my eyes to nothing helpful in the slightest, everything was so blurry. The feeling, now returning, to my head interrupted my lack of finds, with an acute and agonizing message. AH! Damnit, what’s wrong with me?! The world never become clearer and only reminded static or maybe I just can’t see the world for what it is? As the life returned to my hand I felt a warm sensation and with it so did my back which must have been resting against something. I looked down at my hand to only see black, …show more content…
Death is only as beautiful has its cause and this one was of Survival. Sadly the stupidly of the Glowers was to attack the most fatal creature of the wild, a wound animal. With the death of the glowers the red glare slowly faded away returning the world back to it homeostasis of Black and White. With the pain now completely gone, I moved forwarded and world grow step by step. It never revealed more as if it was a teasing woman, only letting me see what it wants me too and nothing more. What if this is the entire world? Everything is as clear as the night sky but where is …show more content…
A warm feeling was spreading throughout my body. I’m covered in some liquid; there is IVs in my arms. Scanning the room with my eyes all I could see is black and white blurs. Damnit, I’m a tube or something. Moving my hands up to the glass, I felt for vibrations. Nothing moving is in the room right now, so can make my move. I may have enough energy from this water to break out. With my hands pressed against I took a deep breath and relaxed. Within seconds the glass shattered send pieces flying everywhere from its epicenter. With the clear liquid and the glass finding a homeostasis, the reflecting light adding a beautiful lustrous tone to my escape as I ripped out the IVs, on queue an alarm goes