My Hero's Journey-Original Writing

Words: 489
Pages: 2

Sorry, I got sidetracked, haha. Anyways, you remember Robert, right? My best friend in high school and college, before the war he lived in Montreal with his wife Anne. We invited him and Anne over a couple times for dinner when they were in town. Well, he was assigned to my troop! So we fought together in the trenches, and got to take our break together as well. It was really nice to catch up, I missed him a lot. Oh did you know; Anne is six months pregnant with their third child. They have twins, a boy named Henry and a girl named Lillian. Well, a couple of days ago, we attacked the German trenches and as our army went over the top of our trenches and started sprinting across No Man’s Land, Robert was shot square in the chest. He was running right beside me and all of a sudden he was down on the ground, screaming. …show more content…
I tried to lift him and carry him to our trenches, I couldn’t. I tried everything to move him somewhere, somewhere away from the pelting of bullets and explosions of bombs. But this was war, there was no such place. I risked my life to save his, but it was no good. He couldn’t stand so I sat with him, holding him. I could have been shot while I was there, in the middle of No Man’s Land, holding Robert. I saw the life leave his eyes. I felt him take his last breath. I held my best friend as he died in my arms. I was distraught, it was a nightmare. I couldn’t move, my best friend was dead in my arms. Bombs exploded around me, my fellow soldiers were yelling at me to get up. I couldn’t, I just could not move. But suddenly you and Joseph flashed before my eyes like a slideshow moving from photo to photo. You with your beautiful long blond hair, fair blue eyes, and pregnant stomach. Joseph, with his cute little dimples, and huge bright smile. And then I thought of Sweet Pea, and suddenly I realized that I could not die, I would not die.