My Nonna Research Paper

Words: 526
Pages: 3

My Nonna’s values in that church is the most important thing and that God can fix any problem have contributed to her sense of purpose by allowing herself to believe in God’s power. God has helped her through many tough moments of her life and has keep her fighting. She felt God helped her through these tough times through her commitment with him and her constant praying. It tested her faith in God and made her connection towards him stronger. It’s helped her to discover herself and what is really important to her. Her values that family is also the most important thing has shaped her into the woman she is today. God has helped her to recognise this by the many teachings he has passed onto us. He taught her that family is the centre of his happiness and progress of his children, just like my Nonna’s feelings towards her children. He taught that God established families from the root, just like Adam and Eve. These important teachings have helped her sense of personal meaning by shaping her into the person she is today. She …show more content…
This was her first time in Australia that she had completed a religious event like this. She found it an eye opener and helped her to connect more with God. The thing that made it an eye opener for her was that she finally was able to recognise herself and why she wanted to be catholic, by seeing the power in God. By taking part in communion it was also an eye opener as she was finally able to be one with God by taking his body and blood. If my Nonna had completed her confirmation and communion in Italy, she feels that it would have not been as sentimental as her life over there was rough and she had too much going on to understand. This has much meaning to them as it was the first time she realised how important God is and what he can really do and has power over. It completed her grace that was given to her in baptism and her acceptance of her