My Religious Journey To Mr. Chick's Culture

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Pages: 7

A hindu priest is invited to Campus Middle School to teach students about his culture, his life, and most importantly his religion. Today he is visiting Mr. Chick’s class.

Hinduism has a lot of culture. Even after dedicating my whole life to the religion I find myself learning new things about life everyday. Hinduism is India’s most popular religion. In fact In hindi which is India's official language, India translates to Hindustan. Let me tell you how exactly we got that name. It all started from the Ancient Persians. Now at that time India’s civilization was just starting out. We were called the Indus Valley civilization which by the way were the first people who became known as hindus of the religion. We still argue about the fact that they may be the founders of our religion but we don’t know for sure.The term Hinduism did not originate until the 19th century. The Ancient Persians gave us that name from the root word Indus.The
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This journey is called pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is religious journey that most hindus make to a sacred place which is usually temples.. We can go on these journeys for many different reasons. Some hindus go to remember thier loved ones while otheers go for spiritual cleansing. I myself went on pilgrimage to meet mentors or other holy people who can give me advice and guide me in my future of being a swami. I also went for spritual development. When you are going to pilgrimage it can get a little rough.When I went through pilgrimage I had to shave my head to prove that my vanity won’t distract me from god. Also, it is disrespectful to show your head or hair to God that is why in many religions women and sometimesmen cover their heads when going inside holy places. Then we need to listen talks about religious advice. Sometimes it can go on for hours. We also have to go through specific rights for Pilgrimage, one example of this is the Shradda