My Spiritual Journey Research Paper

Words: 1187
Pages: 5

` Overall, to attempt to try explain how this trip changed me in a consolidated three to five page paper would never convey all that occurred over the last four months. In the most general sense, this trip changed me the most by challenging me and allowing me to grow in my faith and trust in the Father. Months before embarking on this trip I began to pray, asking the Father to reveal ways or things I had been idolizing before Him. I asked that He would show me my sin, that I would be stripped of all comforts thus having to rely on Him fully. Needless to say, the Father was faithful to answer each of these prayers directly. My friends and I met early each morning to have fellowship before our days began. Three days a week before we would begin …show more content…
The greatest way this trip evolved who I was into who I am is it gave me a greater understanding of the Good News. The more I ponder on the grace I had been given the more I was hit by the weighty reality of my need for such, seeing my sin in immense ways while overseas. When I grew in the realization of my need for the Truth I was able to understand the extent of the Father’s grace and love towards me. This gave me so much comfort and joy in difficult times and in the various trials we faced while in Africa. I went into this trip expecting to learn a lot about true joy in the Lord, having heard stories from the team of the year prior. I knew where we were going would be challenging in many ways. However, each moment I felt like I was burning out or couldn’t wait for that AirFrance plane to touch down in May, I saw the Father comfort me and remind me of why I had chosen to be there. While we were overseas I continued doing a study through Acts that I had started in the middle of the fall semester. Acts speaks of great triumps of Jesus through intense persecution and great …show more content…
Through our overseas journey I was given a true perspective of who I am because of who Christ is. If my identity is found in Christ then I no longer have to fight to gain the approval of man, to be accepted by them, by reason of I have already been accepted by the greatest high priest. Through all rebellion and disbelief, His acceptance of me has not wavered. My life before this trip should contrast to my life now by cause of seeing my identity, purpose, and calling more clearly. This endeavor projected my life in a drastically different direction. No longer does a mundane Christian life sound appealing in any regards. I see the lostness of the world, the brokenness of people without the gospel and have little access to hear it. I lived in a land where the majority of people are chasing after false gods and are destined to hell. How could I be the same after seeing such? How could I not devote my life to reaching such people? Nothing else makes sense. If each day I do not wake up with the mindset today will be completely spent for the Gospel in every capacity, then I am wasting the time that I have remaining on this earth. I am changed as a person now because I now personally understand the true need to go and reach the nations and must live in response to having such a greater perspective. I believed the Father hasn’t allowed me to go on this trip for a one time experience but an experience that will establish the