My Strengths And Weaknesses Of Literacy And Numeracy

Words: 559
Pages: 3

This is my reflection essay about my strengths and weaknesses in both literacy and numeracy the main point of this essay is for me to try and accurately identify my strengths all weaknesses in either literacy or numeracy the first subject I should we talking about is literacy I I’ll start with my strengths, my greatest strength in literacy is my reading comprehension I have an extensive knowledge of different types of words and their meanings I do occasionally come across a word I do not know but it is very rare for this to happen so the I’m at work I will put in to improve in this area will not be as great as my other areas in literacy. The next area in literacy is grammar and Syntax my knowledge of grammar is sufficient with some areas to …show more content…
Of all the different areas mathematics addition subtraction division etc the one that would give me the largest amount of issues would be fractions , apart from that my other weaknesses would be all of the different aspects of mathematics that I had forgotten in my years break from education the easiest and best way for me to rectify this issue is to identify any areas I am lacking knowledge in, and then to go and practice any deficits in my knowledge that I might have, the way I am going to do this is by using resources such as Khan Academy which has been very helpful for me in the past so I shall make use of that in the future if I have any problems in this area but as I practice more mathematics and get back into it my past knowledge from education should be sufficient enough for any mathematics that might b used in this course. But even with my past knowledge in mathematics I will not get complacent and assume I already know the mathematics that might be used in this course because there was always room for