Nader Argumentative Essay

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Pages: 7

In the 2000 presidential election, it has been the argument that a third party in fact, spoiled democratic win from Al Gore to republican George W. Bush. This third party was the green party in which we the presidential candidate was Ralph Nader. Ralph Nader unknowingly spoiled a 2000 Gore presidency through the state of Florida’s end count. Would Bush had still ended up with the presidency of 2000 if Nader had not run? No, Gore would have been our president for either four or eight years. The third political party consists of parties apart from the two-party system we use, outside the duopoly. There are such parties like the green party, the libertarian party and many more that are known as a third party. It has been a discussion topic on whether or not voting for a third-party candidate is throwing away your vote. But since when is voting for a presidential …show more content…
Nader’s initial goal was that of 5% because it would have ensured “millions of federal dollars in the 2004 presidential election and foster long-term growth of the party” (Burden 673), so it is safe to say that Nader wanted to create a different future for third-parties in later elections. Nader knew he was not moving into the White House but instead hoped for the green-party to be more recognized. He had his eye on that 5% and not on any concern of playing the spoiler on the results. Nader received a lot of his support from age ranges between 18-29 years old at 9% and 5% from ages 30-49 and finally about 7% of the ages above 50. So, most of his supporters were young voters in the 2000 election according to an article by Jeffery Jones as senior editor for academic journals in a website named Gallup. Nader also received votes during this election from the two major parties, democrats bringing 6% of his votes and republicans bringing