Nat And Prudence Chapter Summary

Words: 495
Pages: 2

There has been an outbreak of fever on children, Judith and Mercy are among those people. Nothing is helping Mercy’s fever. On the fourth day of Mercy’s fever, Bulkeley shows up offering help; he tries to help but has to leave to tend to other patents, leaving the family to care for her overnight. A mob appears at their doorstep asking Uncle Matthew for help on killing the witch, also known as Hannah. Kit decides to go help Hannah. She gets Hannah out of the house just in time and drag her into the brush right before they set her house on fire. Kit sees the Dolphin and decides to go get Nat to help. Nat comes to help Hannah, but she will not leave without her cat. Nat goes and retrieves he cat and loads them onto the boat, telling them that he is taking them to his grandmother’s house in Saybrook. Nat offers Kit to come, but kit refuses because she knows Mercy is sick. …show more content…
They accused Kit of witchcraft and put her in a dusty old shed, awaiting trial. In the morning the wife of the man who owns the shed visits and helps Kit get cleaned up for the trial. While her trial Nat and Prudence appear and Prudence proves that Kit had been helping her read and write by copping her name in a book, and reading a few verses from the bible. Goodman Cruff, Prudence’s dad withdraws the charges against kit, but Goodwife Cruff, Prudence’s mom, says that Nat should be whipped since he was banned from the town. Nat slipped out the door before they could decide what to