National Honor Society

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Pages: 3

The national honor society is made up of the best and most qualified students from around the country. I believe that I am among that group by proving myself beyond just the classroom. Although I currently have a 3.8 cumulative GPA, and I scored a 31 on my ACT, that alone is not what makes me qualified. What makes me qualified is what I have done while attaining those academic successes. Things such as Robotics, a NASA competition, and my job.
In robotics my sophomore year I was in charge of programming on the robot and we qualified for state in the first year of our team’s existence. This year, my junior year, I was elected president of the team by my peers. This is the highest position that a student can hold and means that I was in charge of the team. I spent hours after school every day guiding the team during the year in all four
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Last year I was a key part of the team that won the competition. To win we had to present plans to a panel full of NASA employees for a spaceship that would cycle between earth and mars. The winning team then selected members to go to Florida for the international competition. I was selected as an alternate, and had the opportunity to go. There members from around a dozen countries were split into four teams and had to work together to design a Martian Settlement. Our team was a coalition of people from the countries of Canada, the UK, India, Argentina, and the United States. Like last time we had present to a panel of NASA employees. Our team placed second this time though, but the coordinator, Anita Gale, and I talked about what was lacking in our presentation, and I hope to apply what I learned from that conversation to this year’s Houston competition on March 4th. The information overload of making a spaceship and a settlement on mars showcased my ability to learn on the fly and still deliver a quality end