National Honor Society Admission: A Short Story

Words: 549
Pages: 3

With a wonderful backdrop and salt scented air running through her hair. The cruise ship was heading towards its next destination. Young, blonde, and writing vigorously, she only had a few minutes to paint a picture of words. Her words ran through her slumber head like music in her ears. Watching her slip further and further into a darkness full of stars and a beautiful full moon, I began to read her intriguing words.
“ As I watch time run by like the waves flowing in the ocean, I have come to the conclusion that my life was lived by those around me. Since day one I always looked for everyone else's approval and acceptance, never realizing that it was causing me to depend on those around me. I worked hard to get a pat on the back, or a good job. Sadly at the end
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Along this time I was loosing sight of my own happiness, of my own confidence. Looking back on time, I see now that not only did I not get the approval I so longed for, I also allowed the people around me to take credit for my what I had achieved. I remember going to award ceremonies knowing I was going to get an award and looking in the audience to see not one of my family members. Being at the National Honor Society induction, driving myself and going alone. Feeling disappointment in myself because maybe if I did something more, maybe someone would have come. Today on July 11, 2016 I have shattered the cloud that controlled me for so long. Today I was asked to do more. I was asked to push myself harder and not to settle. I realized that I had been pushing myself this whole time. That I will no longer do activities and assignments for the mir enjoyment or approval of those around me. I will do activities and assignments for me, for my happiness, to better myself for the future. I no longer will be self conscious. I will no longer be shy. It is time for a change. It is time to step up and be the young women I know I can be. For whoever gets the opportunity to read this.