National School Lunch Program Research Paper

Words: 852
Pages: 4

The National School Lunch Program Taylor Ritter Social Welfare Policy SWK 407 September 18th, 2014

Social Problem Assumptions are always made that only those who live at or below of the poverty level suffer from malnutrition or food shortage. According to the food consumption survey conducted by USDA's Agricultural Research Service in 1965, over one-third of the households with incomes of $10,000 or more did not have diets that met all recommended levels of all the nutrients to provide a good diet, and 9% of the families with income over $10,000 actually had diets rated as "poor." As the income rating of the families lowered, so did the diet
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Supplementary contributions by charitable organizations and individuals were not enough to provide the appropriate meal. It was obvious that aide from federal sources became needed. The national school lunch bill provides basic, comprehensive legislation for aid, in general, to the States in the operation of school lunch programs as permanent and- integral parts of their school systems. Every school district that participates in the National School Lunch Program is required to have a local school wellness policy, which is an opportunity to address obesity and promote healthy eating and physical activity through changes in school environments. No child should ever go hungry or suffer from not having the appropriate funds to eat a healthy lunch. The NSLP provides the food that some children are unable to receive. According to the USDA, The Food and Nutrition Service mission is, "to increase food security and reduce hunger in partnership with cooperating organizations by providing children and low income people access to food, a healthy diet, and nutrition education in a manner that supports American agriculture and inspires public …show more content…
NSLP provides cash reimbursements to schools for every meal served, as a privilege to provide nutritious meals to children. This means that all eligible schools can participate and all children attending those schools can participate. The children attending participating schools and who qualify for the program, have a higher nutrition intake which will only benefit them in the future for a healthy life. Some children may think this program is for only the poor and those who cannot fend for themselves, but in reality it is not. This program is built for everyday who lives within the income bracket. It is not meant to put a barrier between the rich and poor. The NSLP is to bring everyone together in a way that they all benefit by providing the opportunity for a healthy meal to those who cannot