Native American Genocide Research Paper

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Pages: 3

GENERATING GENOCIDES Innocent people have been killed because of what they look for, or what they believe in. Mass murder, also known as, genocide, is an act performed by horrible people as an attempt to completely exterminate a group of human beings. Genocide has been created to target many different groups. Such as, Native Americans, Jewish people, Disabled people, and many more. The crime of genocide is caused by ideology, advanced technology, and the power of bureaucracy. The first main cause of genocide is ideology. Ideology is having a positive or negative idea and getting other people to believe that idea. In the case of the Holocaust, ideology was negative. Adolf Hitler used propaganda to convince the Germans, Jewish people were the …show more content…
As a result, people begin to believe in them. This causes incredibly horrible genocides that wipe out entire groups of people. Source A”How and When Genocide Happens”/Source C “Native American Genocide”. Another major factor in genocide is advanced technology and tools. Technology has been used throughout multiple genocides in history. “In ancient times, clubs, spears, and guns were the means of mass murder.” An extreme use of technology was during the holocaust. “The Nazis used high tech methods such as gas chambers and crematoria.” The gas chambers would fill with toxic gas and kill everyone inside of the chamber. The Nazis also used the ovens where they cooked the dead and alive human bodies. “Today we have ‘smart’ bombs and nuclear bombs that can do the work of mass human annihilation in minutes.” These horrific uses of technology are not even all that exist. Technology has also been used in other mass murder killings. For example, during the Cambodion genocide “Young and old, sick and healthy, business people and beggars, all were ordered at gunpoint onto the streets and highways.” These events show how technology was the leading cause of many genocides in the …show more content…
“Most governments are made up of hundreds of departments, cabinets, administrators, and bureaus.” This grouping is labeled as a bureaucracy. In order for a genocide to begin, it needs to be allowed by the bureaucracy. People who start genocide want camps to be built and weapons to be available. “All of these things require a bureaucracy to write papers, file documents, and give orders.” After this the mass killings start. The act of the bureaucracy to cause genocide is an issue. These choices have long-lasting effects on genocide. According to Source B “The African Holocaust”, “Propaganda and bureaucracy continued to work against their wellbeing.” Censorship is another way bureaucracy allowed genocide. The government was able to control what was shared with the public. Government members had the power to make themselves look good and hide all of the flaws of genocide. Moreover, bureaucracy causes horrendous genocide. (Source A “How and When Genocide Happens”/Source B “The African Holocaust”) In short, there are three main components of genocide, ideology, advanced technology, and the power of bureaucracy. These actions have been used against many different groups of people throughout