Webster Dictionary
, “myth” is “a usually traditional storyof ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a peopleor explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon”; “mythology” is “a body of myths: as a : the myths dealing with the gods, demigods, and legendary heroes of a particular people.” (21) We find such definitions appropriate and matching our ideason the subject. As to “story”, we do not think that any of dictionary definitions isaccurate enough to speak about Native American stories, or “holy stories” as they callthem; in that case the notion “legend” seems to be closer that “story”, though notsimilar to what is meant: “legend” – “a story coming down from the past; especially :one popularly regarded as historical although not verifiable.” (21) To enlarge thedefinition of myth, which in the most general sense …show more content…
(8)In our work we will use the words “myth” and “story” interchangeably understandingunder them any description, in prose or in poetry, of events that are historical or regarded as such by American Indians and are part of Native American mythology. Inthe understanding of American Indian myths and mythology we agree with theauthors of Dictionary of Native American Mythology and take the same position astheirs. They believe that mythology is a term that has received much attention byacademic communities. Many have wanted to separate myth from tale, legend, andother forms of story. Some argue that myth refers primarily to “religious” stories thattell or describe the creation and origin of the world. We have not made any suchdistinction. We have considered as myth any story that reflects the quality andcharacter of a specific Native American culture, or of Native American cultures moregenerally.