Directional selection
Stabilizing selection
Disruptive selection
1.First each group will pick 10 beans of each type. …show more content…
scatter the beans randomly throughout the environment however do not bury them in which it will ruin the experiment.
3. pick one person to be the seed predator he will be responsible for picking out the first 80 beans that they find in the environment. 4. Record the numbers of beans that were selected in the appropriate spot in the data table. 5. Determine the number of beans of each type that should be remaining in the environment.
6. For every bean remaining, add four more beans of the same type to the environment. For an example, if there were 6 LM beans remaining, you would add 24 LM beans to the environment, and your Gen 2 starting amount would be 30 LM beans. Each generation should start with 100 total individuals. Sixth Repeat steps 2-5 for generation 2.
7. Calculate final beans for generation 3(only calculate).
8 Repeat steps 2-7 for the second environment.
9. Use the data in table 2 and 4 to create two bar charts that show the change in phenotype frequency over the 3 generations.
10.Write the goddamn lab report.
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