Naturopathic Nursing Case Study

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Pages: 4

Chiara: What is your full name and title?
Melissa: Melissa Black and I am your sister as well a Naturopathic Nurse and Mother.
Chiara: As a naturopathic nurse, what does your job consist of?
Melissa: As a naturopathic nurse I typically help people who are looking for holistic treatment instead of using modern medicine. I also assist with Natural birthing and homeopathic cancer treatments.
Chiara: How long have you been a Naturopathic nurse?
Melissa: 2 ½ years
Chiara: So because you work in a place where natural treatments are used, do you dislike modern medicine?
Melissa: No, I dislike the belief that modern medicine is the only form of treatment that a person should have.
Chiara: So, what’s one area where you feel like modern medicine is actually
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I’ve seen the positives and very large negatives from both sides working as a CNA previously and now as a Naturopathic nurse.
Chiara: What type of things have you seen that made you come to that conclusion?
Melissa: Over my years in the medical field I have seen perfectly healthy children and adults come in for routine vaccination and 48hrs later suffer convulsions, seizures, lethargy and sometimes deadly adverse reactions. I was once very pro-vaccinations even after having my son who is now 5. It took my son to get sick with pneumonia following his pneumonoccocal vaccine for me to take the signs I had seen over my medical career seriously.
Chiara: But is there any scientific proof supporting your beliefs about vaccinations?
Melissa: Absolutely. In a 2010 Supreme court hearing. Bruesewitz vs. Wyeth, Vaccines were ruled “unavoidably unsafe”. The hearing was called to court because of two infant twins dying only hours after receiving their MMR together. They ruled that adverse vaccine reactions will be unavoidable but what they did not realize is that the rate vaccine injury will happen has become much higher since combination
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Price foundation shows that recently vaccinated individuals with live viruses have become infectious carriers for up to 2 weeks following the injection. Most people don’t even realize that the MMR, flu and varicella vaccine can actually transfer that specific disease during a process called shedding. Shedding of said vaccine spreads through bodily fluids and is easily contractible amongst children who may not have the best hygiene techniques yet.
Chiara: Do you fear your son contracting any of these diseases?
Melissa: I do not. Over my years I have seen children come in with the chicken pox, non-paralytic polio and even the measles. All of which are alive today with low dose antibiotics, high doses of intravenous vitamin C and a spectrum of immune boosting superfoods. Diet is the key in my opinion…not manufactured drugs.
Chiara: So I know there’s a lot of controversy on whether vaccines cause autism, do you believe they