A reservation where white settlers would try to make them give up their way of life. Their story is a heartbreaking one and Navajo Long Walk does not skip over any of the gruesome details. Told in first person point of view the author Joseph Bruchac tells the story of the Navajo’s over 470 mile walk and what life was like on the reservation. They did their walk barefooted and those who could not keep up were killed by American soldier. There is one scene in particular that is so appalling because of its recounting of how a Navajo woman was shot to death by a soldier while giving birth. Though after the walk was over they lived on a small reservation ran by a man who did not wish to try to understand the Navajo’s lifestyle. Also on the reservation food was limited because of the terrible soil and they did not eat every day. Navajo Long Walk shows the hardship the Navajos faced in the 1800s when western expansion was Americans only