Nazi Propaganda Research Paper

Words: 3457
Pages: 14

Propaganda is something that has been occurring throughout history. The Latin word for propaganda is propagare, which means to spread the word. Propaganda was used first in the Catholic church during the Counter Reformation in 1622. The Church set up a department who were responsible for spreading the faith. When the word came to England in 1718 it had similar meaning, which was the advancement of a sincerely held beliefs. In France in the nineteenth century reason was used to persuade people to see the rightness of their cause and this was their way of using propaganda. The use of Propaganda did not change very much but as technology increased in the twentieth century there were new means to how people could use propaganda.
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Anti-Semitic views were not a new idea that was evolved from the Nazi party. After the First World War many Germans were very upset about the outcome and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The war had heightened national sentiment. With this national sentiment came anti-Semitic views and radical nationalism. Many of the nationalist groups were very anti-leftist and anti-Semitic, and they had no problem of using violence. They wanted to restore Germany as a great power and to have the terms of the Treaty of Versailles abolished. Anti-Semitism was one of the ways that the Nazi party had been able to receive votes and gain power. When in power Hitler appointed Joseph Goebbels, Otto Dietrich, and Alfred Rosenberg to key decision making institutions who had strong anti-Semitic ideologies, which meant that the policies of the party were guided by anti-Semitic convictions. Anti-Semitic views were shown many times in the propaganda that was made for the Nazis and by the Nazis. They also were careful when they produced the propaganda after 1942. Nothing ever appeared in the news and the press about the death camps especially when they came in to full operation. Hitler did not want attention to be put on the Nazi Jewish policy in the press, so the propaganda and press were dealt with in certain ways during this