Neanderthals: A Genetic Analysis

Words: 519
Pages: 3

Neanderthals are an extinct group that prove to be the closest relatives to modern day humans. Years of research and studies show that “Neanderthal and human genomes are at least 99.5% identical,” (Noonan, 2006) and what an amazing discovery that is. We now know and can understand that the ancestors of modern day humans have mated with these Neanderthals and thus, the genes passed down. It is not yet clear just how much Neanderthal genes exist in humans today, however, an estimation says that “the DNA of the average person carries up to 4 percent of genetic sequences that coincide with those found in Neanderthal fossils.” (Creamer, 2014) Add in the fact that it is now believed, due to many recent studies, that the majority of the genes that determine our skin and hair color actually come from Neanderthal DNA. Another interesting statement comes from Benjamin Vernot, a geneticist at the University of Washington, who suggests that just because two people may both have 2% Neanderthal within them, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have the same Neanderthal DNA rather, they “might have inherited different portions of the Neanderthal genome.” (Choi, 2014) For years now, experimentations have been under way to try and determine exactly how much Neanderthal DNA may be mixed in with modern day human DNA.