Nebula Virus: A Short Story

Words: 1510
Pages: 7

The end of the world didn't come with a fancy mushroom cloud, nor did all the power go out in the world. There was no meteor striking the Earth and destroying everything, nor did a nuclear blast go off and eradicate half the planet. Quite in fact, nobody realized the world had ended when it started. There were no signs that the virus had been released, there was no aroma, no gas clouds, no bombs going off anywhere. It was simply, there. Man made, quick spreading. It affected much of the worlds population, but in drastically different ways. Some outright died, their brains simply ceasing to function. Others, turned into zombie like creatures and began to tear apart anyone around them. Some mutated into horrific, giant creatures that would later …show more content…
They had simply hidden themselves from humanity in general, since they were greatly outnumbered, doing their utmost to remain legends and not interfere with the human world unless absolutely necessary. Once the virus started to eradicate the humans, the Vampires came up from their exile and over the course of a single night, took the world for themselves. Those who survived either went into hiding, or were taken down into the vast cavernous cities that the Vampires had created for themselves over the centuries. None that were taken were over 13, as they were meant to be cattle, to sustain the Vampires and provide them a respite from their dull, dreary, boring eternities. This ensured that those in hiding would survive to try and reclaim the world they had suddenly lost. To find a way to fight the Vampires. To find a way, to restore …show more content…
However, Irvyne was one of the unique individuals that had been selected to use a Cursed Gear. And not just any Cursed Gear, one of the Black Demon series. They were among the most powerful weapons one could utilize, however there was a reason it was called Cursed Gear. Anyone chosen to use one of them, has to make a pact with a Demon, and utilize the Demon Curse after forming such a pact to seal them into the weapon. The danger in forming a pact is that one has to be knocked unconscious, and allow the Demon to enter their mind.

Once a Demon enters a humans mind, it attempts to fool them into allowing their mind to be taken over. A Demon can take over a mind if they know they have a stronger will than the human, or break a humans will down enough to over power them momentarily. As such, one sees their greatest fears manifest as if they are really living them. If they can overcome the illusion and remember they are dealing with a demon (something not many are capable of doing), then they are able to form the pact, and seal the