Necrotising Fasciitis Argumentative Essay

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Pages: 3

After a wild night of sex with her boyfriend, Dean Smith, Katie Widdowson felt pain in her wrist.

She had her wrist examined when the pain got worse, where doctors gave her painkillers and sent her on her way, but what was thought to be a sprain from having her hands tied to the bed turned out to be something deadly, according to Metro.

Widdowson's wrist quickly went from being sore, to turning black and blue, with blisters soon covering her arm.

Smith explained:

"Katie told the doctors at the hospital that I tied her up. The next day I woke up about 11:30am and I was leaving for work and I said if you need me during the day then I will come home."
She did end up needing him, but by the time the pair were reunited in the ambulance, it was too late:

"In the ambulance, she
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The deadly bacterial skin infection spreads quickly, making the proper diagnosis, treatment and surgery a necessity to save an infected persons life.

Smith said:

‘The coroner did say it was most likely to be the tying up as the cause (of the deadly infection) but I have no recollection of it, we were drunk because we’d been celebrating the New Year."
The Daily Mail reports the dead woman's mother, Trish Widdowson, defended her daughter after her death that put a spotlight on her daughter's sex life:

'They'd got home around 6am and they'd had sex and she was tied up. They were a loving couple and it's nobody's else's business what they did behind closed doors."
Trish also pointed out there were three scenarios given in the inquest that could have caused the infection that took her daughter's life:

'The first thing was it could have been caused by trauma to the wrist by falling on the stairs leading up to her