It lets the other side know there's no movement whatsoever.” (Voss). This shows that he can have a negative tone to his voice and it can be stern and direct even when it's not what they are willing to give up. Chris Voss also says “The F word in negotiations is fair. Fair is the F bomb. And when you begin to look for it, it's stunning how many negotiations somebody drops the F bomb in the negotiation. And when somebody says we just want what's fair, that's actually a really bad sign. One of two things is going on: now the cutthroat negotiators know how much I can punch your buttons if I say I've given you a fair offer and that will immediately put you on the defensive and make you worry about whether or not you're being fair, and most people have an extinct feeling about fair price, fair market. Fair is like this incredibly overused term in negotiations, I just want what's fair, what's the fair market price.” (Voss). This shows that if it's not fair, your negotiation can turn and can make the person angry and make it harder to negotiate with them because they might feel slighted or like you are not listening to their