Neonatologist Research Paper

Words: 665
Pages: 3

In 2022, 2.3 billion infants died due to neonatal errors. My dream is to become a neonatologist, and hopefully decrease that number as much as I can. Studying neonatology is an amazing career choice because it allows you to work with infants every day who have had life-threatening problems after, or during childbirth. Kids bring so much joy and energy into our lives, and as a neonatologist, you have the privilege of being a part of their growth and development. Whether it's taking care of newborns urgently, offering guidance to parents, or diagnosing illnesses, you get to make a positive impact on the lives of young patients, and their families. One of the most rewarding aspects of being a neonatologist is the opportunity to help infants who have had a rocky start in life become healthy and grow up to thrive, and to enjoy the rest of their lives. …show more content…
It d be incredibly fulfilling to witness a baby's progress and know that you've contributed to their healthy start in life. Also in the past few years I ve had to really step in and help out with my six younger siblings, as my mom and dad both have full time jobs, and all but one of my older siblings has moved out. All of my friends ask if having to give up ninety-seven percent of my free time annoys me, but it never does. I've really learned to enjoy taking care of kids, and I d say that I'm good at it too. That being the case; being a part of infants growing up and having a real chance at life, would be incredible. Moreover, being a neonatologist is a great job because you get the chance to form lasting relationships with your patients and their families. Neonatologists don't spend all of their time with the baby. They also specialize in informing new parents about everything they need to know about their baby,