Using Windows Applications as Network Tools Lab (20 points)
Write a paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab, what you learned by performing it, how it relates to this week’s TCO’s and other course material; and just as important, how you feel it will benefit you in your academic and professional career. (10 points) During this lab I learned what the ipconfig command is and what results it displays. The ipconfig command generally shows the computers ip address, the subnet mask and DNS server information. However; there is another command called the ipconfig /all command that illustrates much more information. The ipconfig /all command shows the ip address lease information, the current time, and much more, all of which can be usefull when troubleshooting a network connection. The ping command was also very useful in that it shows whether or not a good network connection is established.
Copy and Paste the following screenshots from your Using Windows Applications as Network Tools lab below.
Task 1, Step 3: Paste a screenshot of the “ipconfig” command showing your network addressing. (1.25 points) After reading the explanation for this command in the “Sample Solution,” explain why the output of this command is so important to the operation of this particular host within the network. (1.25 points)
In order to determine what the host is on my particular server I need to know what my subnet mask is. The subnet mask on this server is, therefore the network portion is 192.168.16 and the host portion is .10.
Task 1, Step 7: Paste a screenshot of the ping command showing a successful ping. (1.25 points)
After reading the explanation for this command in the “Sample Solution,” explain what it means if a “ping” command is successful? (1.25 points)
When a ping command is successful that indicates that I have a network connection.
Task 1, Step 19: Paste a screenshot of the output of the “ipconfig /all” command. (1.25 points)
What are some of the additional parameters that are listed here that weren’t displayed in the previous use of the command? (1.25 points)
The ipconfig /all command displays more information than the ipconfig command, for example the lease information for my ip address, physical eddress, dhcp server, dns server and much more.
Task 1, Step 22: Paste a screenshot of the trace route command showing a successful trace to IP address (1.25 points)
After reading the explanation for this command in the “Sample Solution,” in your own words, explain what the output of the “tracert” command indicates? (1.25 points)
The tracert /d (trace route) command traces all the routers and its ip addresses that the packets have to go through before it reaches its final destination.
End Lab
Troubleshooting TCP/IP Problems Lab (20 points)
Write a paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab, what you learned by performing it, how it relates to this week’s TCO’s and other course material; and just as important, how you feel it will benefit you in your academic and professional career. (10 points)
During this lab I learned how to read and understand a ping command using the command prompt. I knew about the ping command from previous issues that I’ve had working on other computers but I never truly understood what I was reading, although; I still do not understand most of it. When using the ping command with a corresponding ip address it displays that ip addresses send and receive information. If you get a lost packet then you may have a problem with the connection, and of course if all the packets are sent successfully without any lost packets then the connection is stable. Also the network traffic