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Computing Usable Subnets and Hosts vLab (40 points)
Instructions for the Computing Usable Subnets and Hosts Exercise: …show more content…
From this network, if you needed to create 10 subnets, how many bits would need to be borrowed at a minimum and how many hosts could you have per subnet?
4 bits need to be borrowed with a total of 16 subnets. There will be 1,048,574 hosts per subnet. 220=1,048,576 1,048,576-2=1,048,574
13) You are given the Class A network address: From this network, if you needed to create 14 subnets, how many bits would need to be borrowed at a minimum and how many hosts could you have per subnet?
4 bits need to be borrowed with a total of 16 subnets. There will be 1,048,574 hosts per subnet. 220=1,048,576 1,048,576-2=1,048,574
14) You are given the Class A network address: From this network, if you needed to create 20 subnets, how many bits would need to be borrowed at a minimum and how many hosts could you have per subnet?
5 bits need to be borrowed with a total of 32 subnets. There will be a total of 524,286 hosts per subnet. 219=524,288 524,288-2=524,286
15) You are given the Class A network address: From this network, if you needed to create 40 subnets, how many bits would need to be borrowed at a minimum and how many hosts could you have per subnet?
6 bits need to be borrowed with a total of 64 subnets. There will be a total of 262,142 hosts per subnet. 218=262,144 262,144-2=262,142
16) You are given the Class A network address: From this network,