Nevada Department Corrections Case Study

Words: 648
Pages: 3

In the State of Nevada Department Corrections website, the mission they indicate to have, is that public safety will be improved. They plan to achieve this mission by providing a more humane environment that will keep individuals safe. The humane environment they are trying to provide initiates rehabilitation to reintegrate individuals back into communities (“Mission statement,” n.d.). The department also has their philosophy and it is to be as professional as they can be and be responsible for their actions. As it appears to me, the Nevada department really tries to keep everyone in the department safe, and they also try keeping any offender save. In the state of Nevada not only to criminals get prosecuted, but they also get provided the help …show more content…
The first principle unquestionably applies to the departments mission, because their number one concern is to help keep the community crime free and prevent any kind of disorder. This is more of their concern since there are so many people all around the world visiting the Silver State every single day. Principle number two does not apply with Nevada’s way of achieving their duties, the officers or sheriffs do not depend on the publics approval to perform their duties. The officers are allowed to perform any task possible to keep the public safe from anything and anyone that may be destructive.
In ancient times people were the ones to that protected themselves so the first principle of Sir Robert’s Peel would not apply. There was no real law enforcement, individuals, families, or clans, would take it upon themselves to protect their people. There wasn’t anyone they could call whenever they had an emergency. Back in the day the second principal would apply, since the once protecting the family or clan would have to get the approval from the people on what to do to the person they wanted to get revenge