They formed a new organization called the Liberty League, led by the Du Pont family. Its goal was to arouse public opposition to what its members called the “dictatorial” policies of the New Deal and to what they considered to be attacks on free enterprise. The Socialist party, Communist party, radical and semi radical organizations were at times harshly critical of the New Deal. Like the conservatives, they failed to attract a lot of support. The New Deal expanded the government’s role in the economy, by giving it the power to regulate previously unregulated areas of commerce. Those primarily being banking, agriculture and housing. It created new programs like social security and welfare aid for the poor. It was an attempt to give the poor the means of survival needed to succeed, such as the ability to feed and support themselves and their …show more content…
In 1935, Roosevelt gave his public support to what became the Social Security Act. It provided several diverse programs. For the elderly people, there were two types of assistance. Those who were presently needy could receive up to $15 per month in federal assistance. More importantly many Americans presently working were incorporated into a pension system, which they and their employers would contribute through a payroll tax, proving an income on retirement. In addition it created a system of unemployment insurance, which employers alone would finance. The purpose of the Social Security Act was to create a system of insurance, not welfare. This was the New Deal’s