When watching football, the huge collisions are what make it entertaining and a popular game. ESPN analyst, Jacob Camenker, could further help clear up the issue. Camenker writes, “The NFL rules, in theory, make kickoffs safer. Why do you need to be a member? Because the collisions between the blockers and potential tacklers come at lower speeds. ‘The number 1 goal for the NFL in considering a kickoff change is to mitigate the risk of severe, collision-based injuries’” The NFL has a lot on their checklist to improve player safety. The number 1 goal is to reduce the potential for concussion and also serious upper and lower injuries (Camenker 2). Finding a cure to reduce these injuries would be a huge relief for the NFL. The simplest way to reduce the injuries would be to seek a new kickoff format. For the NFL to achieve their goal of keeping the game safe and entertaining. They will attempt to find a new format, potentially the XFL kickoff (Camenker 2). Sports writer, Kevin Seifert writes, with a reason to look to improve the games safety by keeping it entertaining. It is still football, there's going to be contact (Seifert