Ni River Bacteria

Words: 618
Pages: 3

The purpose of this experiment was to test which spot in Ni River had the most disease-causing bacteria. The scientist chose this to learn more about which places in the school students are more likely to get sick from. The independent variable in this experiment was where in the school I decided to swab, and the dependent variable was the amount and which type of bacteria is found in those places. The hypothesis stated before the experiment was completely incorrect because the hypothesis stated that the door knobs would have the most bacteria. The results showed that two of the hand sanitizer pumps were contaminated. The second hand sanitizer that she swabbed had approximately 62 visually forming colonies, and it was on the teacher’s desk. …show more content…
All of the door knobs had grown nothing either. The first door knob swab was one of the 8th grade science rooms, the second being one of the spanish rooms, and the third being the Latin room. All these room are located in the eighth grade hallway. The scientist then took the bacteria to the microorganism lab at Medstar hospital in Washington D.C. With the four of the Petri Dishes that grew, they were able to tell whether the bacteria were gram-negative, gram-positive, a lactose-fermenter, and specifically what species of bacteria. At first, they concluded with these results that the first water fountain had flora Diphtheroids, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococcus species. The first hand sanitizer had Diphtheroids species and so did the second one except Staphylococcus was added. With only a preliminary reading, the scientist wanted to go further in the testing to identify specifically the bacteria of the third water fountain for they couldn’t identify exactly which species. In order to do this, they are going to use selective media, called Macconkey media to allow the growth of specific organisms, as opposed to differential media, which is used to characterize different types of