Night Elie Wiesel Analysis

Words: 1012
Pages: 5

“To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions” (Stephen R. Covey). I was born on April 20, 2010. There have been many moments so far in my life that have shaped the way I feel about the world and life in general. Whether it is about family, school, or sports, I have had multiple experiences that have changed my ideas and beliefs. Before reading Night by Elie Wiesel, I never thought about what I would include in my memoir, but now having read it, the only things that flow through my mind are memories and more memories. Like any other person, there are many memories that I can vividly remember. Out of many memories I only chose four extremely important moments to include in this memoir, which are going to my grandmother’s …show more content…
The day I found out I was devastated, I was only two months away from turning 10, and even before COVID affected me, 2020 was beginning to be the worst year of my life. My grandfather was my biggest inspiration, and what made our bond closer was the fact I was the first one in the family to continue his last name, Salas. He died when he was 100, so I knew for a while it was coming soon, but his death made me realize how precious life is and motivated me to live life to the fullest because I know that is what he would have wanted. This experience is really important to me because it was the first time I had experienced a rough death in my family. This memory was definitely the thing that changed my whole perspective on life, and so I think of this moment as a way for God to truly teach me to appreciate life. More recently, this last memory happened just 2-3 months ago when I got accepted into my #1 high school, Western Christian, right after my interview. This was also, in fact, the day I would complete my final community talk at Foothill Country Day, so the day was already