Nihilistic Breakdown In Macbeth's Soliloquies

Words: 403
Pages: 2

Traumatic experiences tend to induce nihilistic viewpoints upon individuals. This point is made evident in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. In this act 5 soliloquy, Macbeth experiences a nihilistic breakdown in which his whole worldview is shattered as the result of his failings in battle. In this passage, Macbeth falls into a dark depression which ultimately leads to his demise. Macbeth's soliloquy displays his state of emotional distraught as a result of his military failings. Macbeth introduces his soliloquy by discussing the repetitiveness of life. He discusses the reoccuring days which come and go by stating, “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow / Creeps in this petty pace from day to day” (5.5.22-23). Macbeth takes note of the