Niihau Hawaii Analysis

Words: 588
Pages: 3

The podcast discussed Niihau Hawaii. The island is sometimes called “the forbidden island” because outsiders and non native Hawaiians aren’t allowed in. A lot of people don’t know much about Niihau, even the schools in Maui taught students about the different islands but didn’t really discuss Niihau. People thought of it “as a piece of the original Hawaii”. Even though they didn’t know a lot about the history they thought of it as an island ruled by native Hawaiians. They believed that life in Niihau is how all of Hawaii was suppose to be before it got colonized.

What people though was the complete opposite. A white family owned everything and they were in charge of everything that happens in Niihau even though they don’t live there. Niihau got this way because in 1860s the king sold Niihau to a white family for $10,000 in gold. The white family wanted to range cattle in Niihau but there was a community of natives still living there. The king made them promise to take care of the Hawaiians when the day comes that they are not strong enough and the family has kept that promise to the best of their abilities. They decided the best way is to preserve the land and have Hawaiian be the main language and have life be like the way it way in the 1860s.
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They have to use lanterns and walk to the wells to gather water. Every one describes it in almost the same way. There are no paved roads the houses are one floor houses with tin roofs. The houses have big yards for the animals. The people of Niihau usually fish or haunt for their food. Currency isn’t really used in Niihau. And there isn’t really a form of medical care on the island. There’s also no law enforcement so the pastor in the church usually handles all